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A member registered May 24, 2019

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Thank you for the reply u said yes I am a fan of the old art style and I would actually want that in future maybe the old style or similar to it is adapted which very good.the new art style I am not against of it but it looks bit too web based childish game we get but the old one was like anime style wow...can't the art stylist just change just the appearance to the one (appearance is what I actually meant the old character looks and body art where great).the new style is good but the appearance that attracts the user greatly is what I think is missing this game was like animelu beautiful...thx for the cheat ....and sir how must I get the old style in game from android device.(thank u for the the reply again ... #springinsummertime and #paperwaifustudio for the game)

hello sir ...can get the old art style from the update of 0.9 ..bcoz after the update of 0.91 the art styles looks way cartoonish not to say bad its good but too overdone the old style was competitively good to the the other games for which i promote others to also download it as now ...some are complaining about the new slart style pls change it as i love the game very much special the art this is a honest fan u can see it